Routines are essential for optimising your day, and when you have kids, it’s even more critical. Being busy is part of the parenting game, and this is why it is imperative to start your day right and set yourself up for a successful day. When you feel good, you have more energy and feel more grounded which puts you in a state that allows you to handle anything.
Here are five examples of positive routines for mums to start your day right:
Laying in bed think and feel three things you are grateful for. The more we focus and feel gratitude the more we will notice the good in our day. Remember what we focus on expands, so starting the day focusing on Gratitude is sure to set you up for success.
Drink a big glass of water with lemon and a pinch of sea salt to rehydrate. Staying hydrated is a great way to stay healthy, look healthy and give you added energy. Lemon and sea salt act as a natural electrolyte mix, providing your body with the necessary minerals for hydrations.
Look at yourself in the mirror and say three things you love about yourself. It's easy to see our flaws, and in the morning when you look at yourself in the mirror consciously admire three things you love about yourself. This is powerful mama's! When we spend our days making sure everyone else is loved and nurtured we have to make sure we are loving ourselves as well.
Quick shower ending in cold. Just making yourself turn that nozzle to cold is a powerful way to start the day. Cold therapy has been shown to increase energy as well as curb depression. Having that will power on a cold day to push the nozzle over to cold is definitely empowering.
Yoga, stretching, brisk walk, run, pilates, whatever you like to get you moving is excellent! Movement is a great way to change our state when we pair this with our intention of the day it becomes a powerful way to keep us on task. If we are tired, overwhelmed, down, frustrated, stressed; move and remember your daily intention and notice how great you start to feel!
No matter how much time you have in the morning, give yourself a minimum of three steps to create a positive routine. If you have to wake up ten minutes early, do it. Tell your kids, I'm doing my morning routine and notice how they begin to respect your time and space. Pretty soon they will be finding their own morning routine.
Kristin Derrin is a certified nutritionist, a mum and founder of June Superfoods, a range of certified organic kids superfood drink mixes that offer a boost of natural fruit and vegetable nutrients to support kids growth and development. Kristin created June Superfoods after noticing a gap in the Australian market for healthy and convenient kids drinks, prompting her to create a product with the highest quality organic ingredients, no added sugars, fillers, or anything artificial.
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Kristin Derrin
Kristin Derrin is a certified nutritionist, health practitioner, mum and the founder of June Superfoods, a range of certified organic kids superfood supplements that contain natural fruit and vegetable nutrients to support kids growth and development naturally. Kristin created June Superfoods after noticing a gap in the market for high-quality organic health products for kids. This prompted her to create a product with the highest quality organic ingredients; no added sugars, fillers, or anything artificial.